Intro to Digital Marketing

A Course for Those Curious About a Career in Online Marketing

What if you could take a peek inside the office of an online digital marketing specialist? What is their day like? What tasks do they perform? What value do they provide? What challenges are they faced with each day? 

You can, and will, with our Intro To Digital Marketing course. As an active digital marketing professional with over 20-years of experience, your teacher, Clark Covington, takes you into his online office, and shows real practical examples of work in the field.

Further, we look at the career of digital marketer not just in the day-to-day, but from a broad standpoint, covering a bustling and growing field.

The class runs for 30 weeks and includes 150 video lectures.

What You Will Learn

In this class, students will learn about:

-What digital marketing looks like today, and where it’s going tomorrow 

-Why mobile devices are so important in developing successful ad campaigns 

-Where digital marketers build and buy ads, and how they can help drive top-line profits 

-The opportunities for digital marketing professionals to make a difference for their company

-Social media, video, blogs, podcasting, apps and all the places people interact with ads online

What To Expect When You’ve Completed The Course

After completing the IDM course at TCHS your learner will have a very good idea if the career is something they wish to pursue further.

The course breaks down the many different specializations which one could find a full-time job in, like content specialist, paid ad specialist, multimedia pro, public relations expert, social media manager, and much more.

Requirements For The Course

-Computer or tablet with internet connection 

-Allocate roughly one hour daily to watch video lectures and interact with worksheets, quizzes, etc.


Our Latest Roadmap of Courses

Intro To Digital Marketing

Our first course. 30 weeks of valuable insight into the career of a digital marketer. 


Intro To Podcasting

Learn the ropes of starting and growing a podcast, from someone who started and grew a podcast.


Intro To Content Marketing & SEO

Learn how companies use editorial-style content to build an engaged audience, platform, and sales. 


Digital Evangelism

Evangelism is about meeting people where they are with the good news. Learn how to leverage digital platforms to reach others for Christ.