Welcome Home School Students & Parents

Your Career In Tech Starts Here

Learn how to make a living in growing tech fields like online marketing, podcasting, automation, and more.


Every course available for as long as you need it. One lesson each day takes 30 to 45 minutes.

Expert Teacher

Classes taught by 20-year industry veteran with vast experience working with companies large and small.

For Home School

Our courses are created by a homeschool dad exclusively for home school kids.


Every day starts with a faith application Bible verse, and corresponding study.


Classes That Turn a Profit

How much busy work is there in the public school system today? As a home school teacher, I thought, what classes would really profit my kids? 

How about ones that taught the Word of God, and ones that taught in-demand skills. Enter TCHS.

Vocational training for the tech generation. 

Video Lessons - All The Time

Many leaners are not into reading. Nothing against reading, but reading all the time is tough. So we created a video lesson for each class, and cut the reading down, by like 95%.

Self-Paced & Self-Graded

Your class starts when you want each day, and you, or your parents, can self-assess throughout the course. No surprises, no anxiety, and maybe, just maybe, learning will become fun again!

Companies Our Teacher Has Worked With


Our Latest Roadmap of Courses

Intro To Digital Marketing

Our first course. 30 weeks of valuable insight into the career of a digital marketer. 


Intro To Podcasting

Learn the ropes of starting and growing a podcast, from someone who started and grew a podcast.


Intro To Content Marketing & SEO

Learn how companies use editorial-style content to build an engaged audience, platform, and sales. 


Digital Evangelism

Evangelism is about meeting people where they are with the good news. Learn how to leverage digital platforms to reach others for Christ.



Three Ways to Learn - From Free to Fee


We know homeschool classes can be costly, and parents value flexibility in paying for courses. 

We want you to be 100% satisfied with TCHS classes. So we created the FREE-TO-FEE program, where you can take the course for two weeks without paying, then if satisfied, you can pay monthly, or one-time for the entire course.

Free Trial


Signature Plan


Pay Once and Done
